
Don’t get stumped when they ask you: What did I get out of it?


I was once speaking with a senior BD leader in my former company - and the individual said to me, "We spent $X and X amount of time on this capture already. What did I get out of it?" It's a trick question and one that can easily stump a capture manager. If you're anything like [...]

3 ways office politics will destroy your P-win

2021-01-24T01:09:39+00:00Capture Management, Evergreen, Featured|

Human beings are political animals. So, office politics aren't going away anytime soon. You might as well come to grips with that reality. But did you know that left unchecked, office politics can ruin your win probability (P-win) on captures? I've seen some bad situations in my day and here are just a few ways [...]

Words of advice on bidding from Yoda…


Analysis is critical in our business. But you know what's even more critical? Taking decisive action. Too often, we get stuck in these never-ending do loops and analysis paralysis. And look, I get it. There are a lot of complexities in GovCon that require research... Requirements change. Competition changes. The customer changes their acquisition strategy. [...]

3 fixes to make it WAY EASIER to say YES to doing business together


I was at a restaurant last week sitting on the patio (socially distanced of course) with my bestie from California. We were chatting away as you do with someone you've known since middle school. Several minutes passed and the waiter asked us, "are you ready to order?" We were both surprised by the question because [...]

Who should you FIRE if your proposal is non-compliant? (HINT: It’s not who you think)…


Have you ever had your proposal thrown out for non-compliance? (What a question, I know... Worst experience ever if it has happened to you...) For example: have you forgotten or failed to include something that was required? Or have you ever submitted late and been disqualified? In my 18-year career I've seen or heard about [...]

Capture extremes – are you on the right side?


Like any topic, people talk a lot about what is "right" and what is "wrong when it comes to capture management. They talk about best practices. For instance, ​-Person a: Capture management is just like any type of other project management, just follow the capture process and write a capture plan. -Person b: A good [...]

5 Tips to NAIL your next 1-on-1 discussion with the Government


We recently had a very successful 30-minute scheduled 1-on-1 discussion with the Government, directly following an Industry Day. I wanted to share a few tips that helped us nail ours. I can assure you the championship winning GovCon teams take these steps to prepare for their 1-on-1s. It's not that difficult, and you can do [...]

My Best Advice for New and Aspiring Capture Managers


The best piece of advice I could give you if you want to become a Capture Manager is as follows. Capture Managers come from all different backgrounds. There is not one path to getting into capture. You cannot study it in school. The number 1 most important skill for success in capture is listening.  [...]

How to Reframe Conflict at Work


Work life is messy. Political. Uncomfortable. At one point or another, a work situation will make you feel angry, depressed, powerless, betrayed, under siege, less than, disrespected, fearful or another negative emotion. Conflict is a constant. You must accept that truth. If it’s not happening now, it will later. Remember, if you’re in the [...]

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